June’s Good Energy Message with Archangel Jophiel

June of 2023 is all about appreciating the beauty each day brings. June’s Good Energy Message is about Archangel Jophiel. This month we will be working with Archangel Jophiel, who is known to bring beautification, happiness and peace into our lives.  Allow Jophiel to inspire you to beautify your world.  Set for dinner using your best china and some fresh flowers on a weeknight and enjoy.  See the incredible character in your scars, and lovingly recall what you learned or gained from them.  Spend time surrounded by friends who make you laugh and smile. Meditation with Archangel Jophiel can help you on your path towards a more beautiful June. Meditation can offer numerous emotional and spiritual benefits.

June’s Astrology

June’s astrology starts off with a very special day on June 1st where Jupiter is conjunct the North Node.  This is a rare and special occasion for sowing seeds of manifestation and garnering great wish fulfillment. A magnificent Strawberry Full Moon follows on June 4th, showcasing the arrival of new frontiers and positive change.  Begin to settle in and appreciate Jupiter in Taurus, and feel expansion and new possibilities.  The June 17th new moon in Gemini brings in spontaneity and creativity. Consider mind-building by taking a class and learning something new and exciting. Embrace your sparkle and find your inspiration.  Allow June to remind you of all the beauty and potential life has to offer!

June’s Good Energy Message with Archangel Jophiel may lead you to an angel card reading that can assist you with getting closer to your angels on your guided path. You may also want to consider a customized angel meditation so that you can work on an area of your life such as taking more time for self care, inspiring creativity or improving your work performance.