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Welcome January! Consider an angel card reading.

We welcome this beautiful new year, and January’s fresh angel energy that is now upon us!  This month we will be working with Archangel Orion, who is the Angel of the Stars.  Orion helps us to connect with the Universe and discover our life’s purpose. Call upon Orion and his a beautiful blue aura to assist with efforts of manifestation to bring in well-deserved wish fulfillment. Click here to go to our YouTube channel and hear our custom meditations. Contact us for an angel card reading or custom angel meditation to begin working closely with your angel team.

January’s angel astrology

January’s astrological energy has us saying goodbye to Mercury Retrograde on January 1st, setting us free from any delays and allowing us to communicate with more ease.   January 4th brings us Mars moving into Capricorn, so feel yourself being filled with ambition, and set forth toward achieving your goals. The big news happens on January 20th, when Pluto enters innovative Aquarius, and except for a quick trip out in September, it will remain there for the next twenty years.  Also, this brings massive advances in technology, and redirects our focus towards healing our planet, and working collectively.  Embrace and enjoy the change and the phenomenal adventure this will bring!  Consider an Astro-Angel Reading to work with January’s energy and get help from your angels!

Your angels are always there for you, so open up the lines of communication in January and listen to their wisdom! Consider an angel card reading today!