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July’s GEMs- Angel Card Readings

Recently, during angel card readings, the angels have been telling many of my clients to bring back the fun in their lives.  Archangel Sandalphon, the angel who helps us find things, can assist you on your mission to enjoy some play time and bring back the glee.  Think back to your childhood and try to reincorporate the joy you felt back then.  Be exuberant and swing on a swing in the park, or laugh hysterically while playing badminton in the warm sun.  Sandalphon is also the angel of music, so listen to some of your favorite tunes to heighten your mood.

Our Services

An angel card reading by the Mind Fairy can guide you to creating more fun in your life. You life on an angel guided path can be enriched and more beautiful from the support and guidance angels provide. Angel card readings offer messages from your angels to help you move forward in a positive direction on your life path. Listen to your angels and excel in reaching your goals. Click here to enjoy a free meditation with Archangel Sandalphon to bring the fun back into your life.

July’s Astrology

Summer’s warm days are the perfect time to bask in some pleasure.  July’s astrology offers a Super Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd that brings an opportunity for self-reflection and change.  You deserve more joy, so how can you create it for yourself?  The new moon on July 17th offers you the strength to stand in your power and let yourself flourish.  July 22nd kicks off Leo season, so follow your passions and embrace your bliss!  May your July be filled with sparkle and laughter as you radiate light and love! To gain more insight about how the angels can support you over the next upcoming weeks consider scheduling an angel tarot card reading.