Astro-Angel Readings

Astro-Angel Readings

We are now offering a specially designed readings, called Astro-Angel Readings. These readings use astrology and angels to help guide and manage your future. This reading has been created to bring in your angels to support your upcoming astrological transits. By using your birthdate, time and place, we determine the upcoming astrological influences for you and construct recommendations to assist you.  These therapeutic, angel remedies can help you amplify any positive effects that maybe approaching, and mitigate any obstacles or challenges. With Astro-Angel Readings, using astrology and angels to help your future can clear and inspire your angel-guided path.

What services are provided in an Astro-Angel Reading?

The Astro-Angel Reading includes a custom written report of the transits and recommendations, and a thirty minute video angel card reading.  Recommendations include messages from your angels and positive affirmations that you can use to shift your energy. Also, angel guidance offers direction and clarity. We are offering a limited special price on Astro-Angel readings for the 2023 holiday season.  They make a great gift for friends and family, or a present to yourself to start the New Year off right!  Contact us today to purchase an Astro-Angel Reading. We also offer additional angel meditations on our YouTube channel.