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Crystal Angelic Healings

Crystal angelic healings offer individuals a time to reinvigorate their minds and bodies.  If there is an area of your life that may require healing, these sessions can help you move forward.  Some areas to consider that may require healing include an unresolved attachment to a past love, or a trauma that needs to be released. Crystals contain wonderful healing properties and can be used to activate the power of your own mind and body to heal itself.

What to expect during a healing…

Crystals are used in conjunction with angels to conduct a powerful spiritual healing session. This can help to align your mind, body and emotions.  We use a custom made crystal grid during our sessions so the healings can be done virtually. We select crystals based upon the area of need and place them on the grid during a meditative session with you. Healing sessions with The Mind Fairy leave clients with a wonderful feeling of clarity and positivity. 

Consider booking a crystal angelic healing session with us and contact us now. We also offer angel tarot card readings and meditation sessions to assist you with accomplishing your goals. When your energy is clear, you will be able to get moving toward your goals. Check out our YouTube channel for our free meditations.