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Personal Power Scripts

Personal Power Scripts help you accomplish goals on your life path.  After an intuitive consultation where we help you identify your goals, we design and create a custom meditation script.  This script includes affirmations, visualization, and other metaphysical techniques.  After you receive your script, you use your cell phone or computer to record yourself reading the script.  You then play your recording back to yourself and listen to your own voice offering the guided meditation.  Personal Power Scripts are highly effective because the sound of your own voice is even more powerful than another’s. 

Including Angels in Personal Power Scripts

The customized Personal Power Script can include affirmations or visualizations of your angels on your guided path. You might like to include requests to your guardian angel, or a specific angel to help with a particular issue. For example, if you are looking for healing, we might include Archangel Raphael in your Personal Power Script. You might also benefit from visualizing Archangel Raphael’s green healing light surrounding you during your script. We can also perform an angel card reading prior to designing the script to determine what angels might work best with you. An angel tarot card reading can also help you establish and better understand important goals for your future. Personal Power Scripts help you accomplish goals. If you are looking to make a change, call us today for a Personal Power Script. Follow us on Instagram for more Good Energy Messages!